The event took place just before we got our M-16's. I'm thinking it was February or March of 1967. One squad from Mike's second platoon got sent up to the Rockpile to run security for some radio relays and some FO's. The rotation was supposed to last two weeks, but for some reason they forgot to transfer us and the same squad of us was up there for 53 days.
As you know, the Rockpile, accessible almost exclusively by helicopter, was virtually an invincible position. Partly because of that and partly because we were there so long, we may have gotten a little overconfident.
We were having a party one night and got noisy. We had this really funny, really cocky, sergeant who was TAD up there in some kind of FO position. The noise was us laughing out loud as he stood on the LZ like it was a stage and told us outrageous stories. (I still remember he referred to the summer service alpha uniform as his "peanut butter" suit.)
We were so noisy, they could hear us down in the dustbowl and we woke up the captain. So the 6 radioed us. I don't remember our call sign, but let's say it was "Mike OP"
For some reason, instead of our squad leader Cpl. Wilsey taking the call, this sergeant , who didn't know Griggs , took it. He held the handset out and turned the volume up so we all could hear the following colloquy take place.
CO: Mike OP, Mike OP this is Mike 6 over.
Us: Mike 6, this is Mike OP, over.
CO: You're making too much noise up there. Keep it down, over.
Us: Roger, out.
Brief pause, then:
CO: Mike OP, Mike OP, this is Mike 6 over.
Us: Mike 6, this Mike OP over.
CO: Mike OP, I am the 6. I "out" you. You don't "out" me.
Us: Roger, out.
Briefer pause, then:
CO: Mike OP, Mike OP, this is Mike 6, over.
Us: Mike 6, this Mike OP over.
CO: Mike OP, I repeat. I am the 6. Because I am the 6, I "out" you. You don't "out" me.
Us: Roger, out.
No pause, at all and then:
CO: Mike OP! Mike OP! This is Mike 6, over!
Us: Mike 6, this Mike OP, over.
CO: Mike OP, I just told you. I am Mike 6. I "out" you. You don't "out" me.
Us: Roger, out.
CO: Mike OP! Mike OP! This is Mike 6, over!
Us: Mike 6, this Mike OP, over.
CO: Mike OP, This is Mike 6! I am giving you a direct order! You don't get the last word. You have to let me "out" you!
Us: Roger, out.
CO: Mike OP! Mike OP! This is Mike 6, over!
Us: Mike 6, this Mike OP, over.
CO: Mike OP, this is the last warning. Unless you acknowledge that you got
this message and say "over" I will send a helicopter up there first thing in the morning and have you brought before me! You are ordered not to say "out." Over.
Us: Roger.
CO: Mike 6 out!
It took everything we all had to stifle our laughter so we could save that guy's stripes.